What is Afro Global Alliance?

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AFRO GLOBAL ALLIANCE is a non-governmental, non-profit making and a charitable organization committed to the enforcement of human rights, reconciliation of the Afro youths worldwide and to promote peace, co-operation and friendship amongst society.

The members of the organization should collaborate under conditions of complete cordiality, dedication, frankness, and fair play in order to accomplish a given task to the exclusion of personal or commercial interest.

To bring to the attention of the Government, all agencies in the world, individuals and other social institutions in and around the globe the importance of providing for and supporting our main aims and objectives which entails:-



  Drug counseling
Aids awareness campaign
Improvement of prisoners welfare
Orphanage acceptance
Motherless/destitute home care support
Health awareness rally and lectures
Marriage counseling
Religious alliance
Child abuse
Urban-Rural linkage

In order to encourage the broad dissemination of the above objectives, AFRO GLOBAL ALLIANCE will organize periodically an “awareness campaign, international and local charity rally, vocational classes and studies and AFRO GLOBAL Congress.”

NGO’s represent one of the major pillars of “good governance”, along with the other actors of civil society, government and the market. Where does the research on the subject stand today? What are the most recent hypotheses and results that have been produced concerning NGO’s in general, and Africa in particular? What are the issues addressed by this forum and which questions need to be answered.

AFRO GLOBAL ALLIANCE is open to free membership as long as you uphold and preserve the aims and objectives of the organization and also be devoted to charity.

“AGA……….united and diversified”.

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